Actbar.ocx is an ActiveX file that is property of ActiveBar from Data Dynamics. ActiveBar searches for its licensing info within the registry. If ActiveX is not able to locate proper licensing info, a message regarding evaluation will be shown. It should be confirmed that all of the computer users have rights to the system registry. This will ensure that ActiveBar will be able to locate its licensing info and should prevent error messages from occuring.

Product: Microsoft Visio
Description: ActiveBar ActiveX
Similar files: Actbar2.ocx

File scan: Click here to run a file scan
The actbar.ocx file is a valid element of Microsoft Visio. This particular software is recognized as diagramming software for Microsoft Windows. The software utilizes vector graphics in order to make various diagrams. Microsoft Visio currently has two editions (Standard edition and Professional edition).
Actbar.ocx is a non-system process that came from software that was placed on your computer system by you. As many computer applications hold data in the computer system registry, it is possible that certain registry entries have changed location or possibly become corrupt. It may benefit your system to run a registry scan as well.