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4 thoughts on “How To Help Our Team”

  1. Comment About Windows Mail Yahoo setup
    Your article on Yahoo Pop Windows Mail setup is really nice except for it is only 95% done. You did more than most people put when they create a tutorial post but you missed the screenshot of what the “Servers” login tab looks like when you’re done creating the account.

    That will really help people when trying to troubleshoot what they have done…. Like me. I have Yahoo Pop access, I was using it on Outlook Express before I loaded Vista but now it is not working. I configured the account by myself without your tutorial but I am looking for a screenshot that will show me what boxes are checked. There are a lot of variables to the Server page. There are 7 check boxes and radio buttons. I’m no math or english scholar but that is a lot of combinations.

    Would you please email me a screenshot or tell me what boxes to check? Do I even use the sub menu of the server screen?

    Thank you,

    • Sorry
      We cannot. As that tutorial was done using the account details of a friend of ours. We don’t have a Yahoo Mail Plus account ourselves and that person can no longer help us remake all the screenshots.

  2. The first thing I’d like to
    The first thing I’d like to have on my Vista is.. I want to be able o start any program. I’ve heard that in windows 7 you can start any program just letting them start as if they on xp or vista. If you solve this problem that would be great. Thank you in advance

  3. Windows Mail and Yahoo Plus!
    I think it might be helpful to add that if you have a Yahoo Plus Mail account and use a Yahoo email address that ends in or, you must include these lines in the email username box under ‘Servers’ in the account setup. This is due to the inconvenient fact that when logging into the Yahoo mail page, you cannot just enter your username without the @…com like you can if you have a address. I wrestled with this problem for a while, until I tried it with the full email address and it worked perfectly after that.

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